I think Andrew is trying to think of his next "why" question! We're sitting at the airport waiting for our flight to San Diego. As Andrew and I were walking around the airport, a Southwest crew member gave him a set of wings which he still had on right up to bedtime. He kept wanting to know why the wings had a heart on them.

Andrew did great on the plane; though, he didn't want to be unbuckled in case we fell. Here he is enjoying his apple juice which he used to help him down 2 bags of pretzels and a package of Scooby-snacks.

After we landed, we picked up our car and headed over to the USS Midway to look at all the planes and helicopters. Andrew was intrigued by the display of engines so we took him dowwwwwn to the engine room...which he did not find so intriguing. He wanted out as soon as we went down one staircase; unfortunately, we had to go down a few more before we could go up.

Andrew and the helicopter pilots.

Andrew liked to sit down and "read" about the planes and helicopters.

By this time, Andrew was pretty tired of having his picture taken so he didn't smile very much.

While we were waiting for our plane to arrive, Andrew liked watching the other planes backing out of their parking spaces so he was thrilled to see this "backer-outer" attached to this jet.
He got a little worried when I asked him if the plane was moving.

This Landing Helicopter Docking ship was coming into port while we were on the flight deck. The helicopters just happened to being flying over at for a very opportune photo shot.

Good-bye aircraft carrier!

Andrew and grandpa eating cookies and drinking chocolate milk while watching "Despicable Me". Andrew was so excited about his bed coming out of the couch. Tomorrow Legoland.